Self-Defense for Medical Professionals - Gracie Medical Defense

Self-Defense for Medical Professionals – Gracie Medical Defense

How to Find the Best Martial Arts to Train All fight arts are the very same. Some may look a little different from others, but the techniques utilized are universal….

ACCESSORY EXERCISES - These kicked my buttšŸ˜‚

ACCESSORY EXERCISES – These kicked my buttšŸ˜‚

The History of the Ninja People in black stumble upon a courtyard, moving over the walls with arachnid grace, racing across the roofings, as fast as cheetahs. Discover who they…

Warm-Ups & Stretches for hip mobility in my squat( Fixing butt wink)

Warm-Ups & Stretches for hip mobility in my squat( Fixing butt wink)

Let’s Talk About Self Defense It is necessary that you understand everything about self protection and how to utilize it when the demand occurs. A flying kick or a karate…

Knee Shield Guard Retention  Concepts | Cobrinha BJJ

Knee Shield Guard Retention Concepts | Cobrinha BJJ

The Hidden Secrets in Isshin Ryu Katas Sensei Javier Martinez has actually exercised Isshin Ryu Martial arts for greater than 40 years. He researched the movements of the katas of…

Charles Oliveira vs Justin Gaethje ( Full Fight Gracie Breakdown )

Charles Oliveira vs Justin Gaethje ( Full Fight Gracie Breakdown )

Secrets of Shaolin Kung Fu: Immortal Palms The Shaolin Holy place’s 72 Secret Fighting Exercises or ‘Kungs’ include training extremes which, if lingered with, supply amazing outcomes. The following workout…

New Blue Belt Shark Tank at Leviathan Academy

New Blue Belt Shark Tank at Leviathan Academy

Natural Weapons of the Upper Body! There is no such point as defenceless individual. Everyone, regardless of age and sex has an array of natural weapons to employ. Modern social…

The Biggest Unanswered Question in Law Enforcement (3-Minute Breakdown)

The Biggest Unanswered Question in Law Enforcement (3-Minute Breakdown)

Silly Iron Palm Demos Part 2: Parlor Tricks Vs Actual Breaking Skill There are many shop tricks sometimes used at iron hand presentations. Here is a short list of a…

2 on 1/Front Head/Guard ā€¢ Loop Choke Options

2 on 1/Front Head/Guard ā€¢ Loop Choke Options

Situational Awareness – The Most Important Thing Knowing how to defend on your own is a great skill to have. Recognizing exactly how to recognize negative circumstances and avoid run-ins…

Dave Chappelle Tackled on Stage at Hollywood Bowl (Gracie Breakdown)

Dave Chappelle Tackled on Stage at Hollywood Bowl (Gracie Breakdown)

Learn To Fight: 3 Key Principles You Must Know Discovering to battle can be a complex and also some times mysterious task. It doesn’t have to be. These 3 concepts…

I Swore I Would Never Do BJJ Again

I Swore I Would Never Do BJJ Again

Beginning Aikido Over Fifty Thinking about finding out a fighting style, however worried regarding the roughness? Aikido might be the excellent choice – you can be as physically rigorous as…